CBD Wellness

For more information on CBD & to purchase CBD online please visit LivKind at www.livkind.net

LivKind is a trusted CBD Wellness brand that has partnered with a manufacter in Colorado who works with the industries leading scientist and veterinarians.  Their products are third party tested and THC-free. 

What does CBD help?

By working with your endocannabinoid system CBD may relieve a wide variety of aliments. Such as the mentioned above and the following...

- CBD help protect against cancer

- CBD helps nausea

- CBD reduces pain, spasms & is a muscle relaxant

- CBD helps mood disorders such as depression, PTSD, anxiety 

- CBD is an anti-inflammatory

- CBD helps relieve arthritis & joint pain

- CBD is an anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and boosts immune system

-CBD improves the nervous system & promotes blood circulation

*Always contact your primary doctor before stopping any medications you are currently on or if CBD reacts with your current medications.

Cannabidiol (CBD) & The Endocannabinoid System

Discovered in 1992, the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is relatively new. It is responsible for two basic activities.  First is to regulate pleasure, energy and well-being.  The second is to help the body repair itself in the event of injury or disease. 

The ECS is made up of neurons, endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. Its two receptors are CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are mainly found in the brain and CB2 receptors are found throughout the body.  Cannabinoids link with these receptors to activate the ECS.  There are cannabinoids that are naturally produced by the body, called endocannabinoids, and cannabinoids found in cannabis, known as phytocannabinoids.

Research reveals that when cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), bonds with the CB1 or CB2 receptors, it alters and/or improves the capabilities of that receptor, thereby improving the receptors functionality. 

In a 2013 article by researches Pacher & Kunos it was stated that "modulating endocannabinoid system activity may have therapeutic potential in almost all diseases affecting humans including obesity/metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and diabetic complication, neurodegenerative, inflammatory, cardiovascular, liver, gastrointestinal, skin disease, pain, psychiatric disorders, cachexia, cancer, chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, among others." In summary, this system is vital to our survival and well-being. 

Dr. Michael Moskowitz, in the book CBD: A Patients Guide to Medicinal Cannabis, states "It is also clear that this system is not confined to working solely within its own boundaries.  Not surprisingly, it appears to interact robustly with several other non-cannabinoid systems in the body, to accomplish its tasks of regulating disease and well-being, including the endorphin system, the immune system and the vanilloid system (the system that is responsible for transforming pain from acute to chronic). In modifying these other systems, the endocannabinoid system regulates inflammation, pain, bone health, formation of new nerve cells, fat and sugar processing, mood, energy, brain health and hormone balance."

When introducing cannabidiol (CBD) into our body it bonds with our CB1 & CB2 receptors, helping the ECS maintain the above vital health functions and restore balance in our body.  In addition, if the body suffers from cannabinoid deficiency, using CBD can boost your body's production of endocannabinoids restoring balance to your ECS. 

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